Agenda - December 2023 Regular Meeting of the JCGC Board of Directors
City of San Francisco Japan Center Garage Corporation
(A California Non-profit Public Benefit Corporation)
Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 10:30 a.m.
In-Person Meeting
US Bank Community Room
22 Peace Plaza - Japan Center East Mall
Japan Center Garage Corporation board meetings are open to the public. Attendees may address the board on items appearing on the agenda during the discussion of those items and may also address the Board on items not on the agenda during the General Public Comment period, so long as the matter addressed fall within the scope of the Board's authority. Each speaker shall have up to two minutes to address the Board.
1. Call To Order
2. Approval of Minutes from Regular of October 12, 2023 Minutes (Action Items)
3. Board President's Report (Action Item)
4. Corporate Manager's Report
a. COVID-19 revenue recovery update for August and September b. SFMTA garage transient comparison - August and September
c. Update on US Bank incoming wire fees and cap on outgoing wires d. Additional updates
5. Corporate Counsel's Report
6. SFMTA Report
7. Treasurer's Report (Action Items)
Accepting the financial statements for July, August and September 2023.
8. Committee Reports
There are no committee reports
9. Community Updates
a. Japantown Task Force, Inc. - Dr. Emily Murase, E.D.
b. Community Benefit District - Grace Horikiri, E.D.
c. KOHO-Susie Kagami, E.D.
10. Garage Operations and Security Report
11. Recess to Closed Session - The board may vote to enter into Closed Session to discuss
matters involving attorney/client privilege and/or any matters not subject to public information.
12. Reconvene to Open Session
13. General Public Comment on Items Not on Agenda
14. Old/New Business, Future Board Agenda Items, Announcements, etc.
15. Corporate Governance, Sunshine Ordinance and Brown Act Workshop
Corporate Counsel shall provide an update on next workshop
16. Meeting Adjournment (Action Item)
Next Regular Meeting Date
The Board of Directors for the City of San Francisco Japan Center Garage Corporation meets on the third Thursday of every even numbered month at 11:00 a.m., unless otherwise noticed. The next regularly scheduled meeting is February 15, 2024. For more information, please visit our website at