About Us
Mission Statement
The City of San Francisco Japan Center Garage Corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation organized for the express purpose of assisting the City and County of San Francisco to provide oversight of the Japan Center Garages.
Board of Directors
Robert W. Hsu, President
Kimberly Kolbe, Vice President
Edward Ong, Treasurer
Rodney Chin, Secretary
Hagen Choi
Jan Masuoka
Suzanne Medina
John Noguchi
Jerry Ono
Our Committees
Audit and Finance Committee
Bylaws Committee
Community & Marketing Funds Committee
Contract Review Committee
Neighborhood Planning and Economic Development Committee
Nomination Committee
Richard Hashimoto, Corporate Manager
Joelle Tan, Administrative Assistant
Legal Counsel
Claudine Cheng, Attorney at Law
Operator of the Garage
IMCO Parking
1740 Ceasar Chavez St., Unit 2W
San Francisco, CA 94124
George Granizo, Facilities Manager